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Bryan Johnson missionary in BrazilThe Bryan JohnsonsBryan Johnsons ministry in BrazilThe mission field of BrazilSao PauloTestimonies
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São Paulo

São Paulo has a population of 24 million people. With a population that large, São Paulo is larger than 84 different countries. São Paulo is a very diverse city. The Catholic church conducts mass in 26 different languages. São Paulo is represented by over one million Spanish, one million Italian, one million Lebanese, six hundred thousand Japanese, one hundred thousand Jews, one hundred thousand German and many other races including Chinese and Indian. We hope to reach many different nationalities and send them back to their home land. We have the potential to reach the world by reaching São Paulo.



  BrazilBryan Johnson family Primeira Igreja Batista
Sending Church: First Baptist - 523 Sibley St - Hammond, IN 46320  |  Mission Board: BIMI - P.O. Box 9215 - Chattanooga, TN 37412 Bryan Johnson - 3975 Calhoun St - Gary, IN 46408 - (317) 641-7194 -
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