
Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world,
both in land mass and in population. Although eighty
percent of Brazil is Catholic, we will have total
freedom of religion with no problems from the Catholic
church. Brazil only has about one Baptist
missionary for every 1 million Brazilians.
Brazilians speak the language of Portuguese and live
in very large, modern cities with only four percent of
Brazilians living in the Amazon.
Brazil Fact Sheet
NAME: In English it is spelled with a z - Brazil; however, in
Brazil it is spelled with an s - Brasil.
LANGUAGE: Portuguese.
English is understood in tourist centers. Most people
understand Spanish, and German in the south.
CLIMATE: Mean yearly
temperatures vary between 82oF in the North
and 68oF in the South. Temperature range: São
Paulo 74oF to 82oF in January,
35oF to 65oF in July. Seasons
are the reverse of those in the USA. Below
freezing temperatures are rare except in the far South
and at high altitudes. I suffer more in Brazil from
the cold than in the USA because there are no central
heating systems. It is just as cold inside as it
is outside.
of Brazil, add one hour to Eastern Standard time.
SIZE: It has 3,287,195
square miles - larger than continental USA. The fifth
largest nation in the world, behind USA.
POPULATION: Brazil has a
population of over 200 million, of whom 55% are white,
38% are mulatto, and 6% are Negro, 1% other (Japanese,
Arab, etc.).
GOVERNMENT: There are 26
states, a Federal District, and three territories
governed by a President with a five year term, a
Federal Senate and a Chamber of Deputies, similar to
our House of Representatives.
HISTORY: Brazil was claimed
for Portugal in 1500 by Pedro Alvares Cabral.
Rio de Janeiro became the home of the royal court of
Portugal in 1808 when King John VI fled from the
advancing army of Napoleon. The Brazilians eventually
demanded independence but, curiously enough, retained
the king’s son, Pedro I, as their Emperor. He
abdicated in favor of his own son, who ruled until a
bloodless revolution resulted in the establishment of
a republic in 1889.
RELIGION: Catholic -
largest population in the world; 7th Day Adventist -
largest population in the world; Jehovahs Witnesses
- second largest population in the world (behind USA).
Other religions including - Spiritist,
Islam, Buddhist, Mormons, Assembly of God, Christian
Congregation, Universal Church of God, Baptist, and
Four Square Gospel.
AGE DISTRIBUTION: The population below 20 years is 46.7%. The life
expectancy for males is 64 years and 69 years for females.
LITERACY: 83% of the total population 15 years of age and over can read and
NATURAL RESOURCES: Bauxite, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, phosphates,
platinum, tin, uranium, petroleum, hydro power, and timber.
INDUSTRIES: Textiles, shoes, chemicals, lumber, iron ore, tin, steel,
aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, machinery and equipment.
AGRICULTURE: Coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugar cane, cocoa,
citrus, Brazil is most famous for its coffee.